News News

Beyond Compatibility: Better Relationships with Astrology

You’ve seen the memes and clickbait articles: Leos should never date Scorpios! Geminis can’t commit! The internet is full of pop astrology that feeds on our anxiety about intimacy and, while it may seem fun and harmless, actually reinforces a culture of harmful stereotyping. In Beyond Compatibility, we’ll debunk some popular astro myths about sign compatibility and dive deeper into the questions you should be asking yourself and your potential partners. Drawn from over a decade of astrological consulting for all kinds of relationships (partners, lovers, exes, siblings, polycules, collective members), this course will help you take a closer look at your relationship needs and patterns so you can make wiser choices. Open to all levels, and I encourage you to bring a copy of your birth chart!

Coming soon: a recording of this class.

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News News

Want to learn with me in 2023?

I'm finally offering new live classes!I always have ideas about what I'm interested in, but this is your space to tell me what you want.Whatever classes I offer, these things will be true:

  • They will be on Zoom and scheduled to accommodate multiple time zones.

  • They will be fun! I have a lot of games and exercises for learning.

  • They will hold a loving and respectful container for marginalized identities and experiences.

  • They will be accessible to all income levels.

Survey is now closed!

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News News

Two new classes in 2021

I write to you from a time of recovery and deep reflection, for me. In the weeks following my surgery, I have been so grateful to have space to rest and consider what it means to be alive in these times—what’s possible now that other things are impossible, and specifically what I want to move toward as an artist, healer, and teacher. I’m grateful for all of you for showing up in the hard work of sensitivity, vulnerability, social change, creativity, magic, and healing with me. And I'm particularly excited to start teaching again. I hope you join me in one of these new offerings!

Astrology 101, now live on Zoom

About five years ago I created a self-paced Astrology 101 class which now has hundreds of members. I’ve listened to those of you who love the materials but are having a hard time motivating to finish it on your own, and I’m now ready to do this with you. This eight-week class will begin in late January (date TBD by a scheduling poll) and is open to new and current Astrology 101 students.

Healers and Weavers: Astrological Mentorship 

Many of you have asked me over the years if I’m available for mentorship and I probably told you something like, “um, maybe soon…but not just yet!” I never seemed to have the time to create the container and take on the responsibility of such important work. Finally, I have the time. If you’re also ready to grow from being an astrology student to an astrological healer, I invite you to apply!

Applications are now closed for both classes!

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